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Flats for rent in Saint Petersburg without intermediaries


Short rent apartments in city center of
St. Petersburg.

* City of Rivers
Some years ago we open our first flat for guests and put all our love in it. Then we give our company name GorodRek Apartments (City of Rivers). Today we have more then 30 flats, but main thing doesn't change - all flats have part of our soul.
1 room apartments
Use coupon "ilovespb" and get 10% discount
2 rooms apartments
3 rooms apartments

4 rooms apartments

Visa support
If you want us to help you to get visa, please fill in the online questionnaire
When you fill in the form at our website please fill in the dates of the whole period you stay in the country. In field "City" please fill-in all cities you are going ti visit. We provide tourist visa support document – voucher (also known as a tourist confirmation). For the consulate requirements these documents are called "Tourist voucher" and "Tourist confirmation document stamped and signed by authorized person".
We get this badge, because we are experienced hosts who provide a shining example for other hosts, and extraordinary experiences for their guests.
Phone and Messages
WhatsApp / Telegram


Rent our vacation flat in Saint Petersburg — it's easy, profitable and safe. Vacation flat rent is far more cheaper than a hotel room. Short-term flat for rent is the best holiday option for families with children. We are the owner of all flats on this site, so this flats for rent in Saint Petersburg without intermediaries

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